Nootka cypress
Nootka cypress

The purpose of the stakes is to anchor the roots. Check, particularly after windy weather, that stakes are still solidly in the ground keeping the base of the trunk firm. Roots not firmly in contact with the soil are unable to take up moisture and nutrients, resulting in die back or death of the tree.

nootka cypress

If trees are not correctly secured they will rock in the planting pit. Each time you mow, the grass will grow back more vigorously and strimming invariably leads to lacerated trunks.

  • Mowing or strimming is NOT an answer to the problem.
  • Weed killer needs to be applied each year for the first 3 years, preferably when the tree is dormant, or just once before applying a mulch mat. Organic weed killers usually do not kill roots.
  • Weed killer is very effective, however it is harmful to the environment.
  • Be careful not to allow the woodchip to touch the stem as it can cause rot. After clearing the ground around the tree, firmly fit the mat by tucking the edges into the soil and put a thick layer of bark mulch on top of this.
  • Mulch mats are an effective way to stop grass and weeds, although they will require a careful eye to make sure they continue to work.
  • Nootka cypress free#

    It is vital that for at least 3 years after planting your tree or hedge has a circle or strip one metre wide completely free of grass. When trees are first establishing, the grass roots would be at the same level as the tree roots and are far more efficient at taking up water and thus choke the tree.

    nootka cypress

    One of the most common causes of lack of water is competition from grass. In hot dry spells give the equivalent of 2 bucketfuls every three days. It is essential throughout the spring and summer, to give a heavy enough watering to enable the water to penetrate right down to the deepest root level of the tree. The main reason that plants die within 12 months of having been planted is lack of water. For the continued healthy growth of your trees, shrubs or hedging it is vital that you follow the advice below.

    Nootka cypress